Investment Advisory Services

Investment Advisory Services

Our client's personal and financial information is always held strictly confidential !

Custom Portfolio Design

Each client has unique circumstances based on their own individual risk tolerance, time horizon and income and spending needs.  With each of these taken into consideration, we will a design your portfolio to reflect those intentions. 

Value-Based Security Selection

As Warren Buffet says:  “Price is what you pay, value is what you get”.  Our approach is to ascertain value for each security we recommend taking into account both technical and fundamental analysis as well as momentum, regulatory and market sentiment.  We employ active as well as index strategies to gain exposure to selected industry and market segments and use alternative strategies, where appropriate, to mitigate risk.  On a selective basis we utilize individual securities along with broader market funds to conform to your overall objective and risk tolerance.

Active Portfolio Management

Once your portfolio is designed we provide ongoing reviews of account holdings and market outlook evaluations as they may pertain to your specific accounts and provide you with regular reporting and consultation.

Because costs do matter, we seek to minimize fees and expenses using advisory and institutional share classes, when available, to minimize management and trading expenses. 

Representative, Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, Member FINRA/SIPC to residents of: California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington. Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge and Paolucci Financial Services are not affiliated.

Banner image, "Sunrise at Rocky Mountain National Park" by Carl Finocchiaro

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